season five

thats what she said lucy kalanithi

lucy kalanithi: love & death
june 10, 2020

wild love season finale: dr. lucy kalanithi is a physician, professor, advocate and the widow of dr. paul kalanithi, author of the #1 new york times bestselling memoir when breath becomes air. she takes us through loving and losing paul, their decision to have a child even as he was quite ill, and how marriage continues even after the person you love has died.

thats what she said shirin estahbanati

shirin estahbanati: love & the travel ban
june 3, 2020

phd student shirin estahbanati shares her story: being separated from her iranian family due to the 2017 travel ban, discovering a library incredibly situated on the us/canada border where they could safely meet and how she’s learned that no matter the suffering, it is always worth it to see those you love.

that's what she said wild love jen gotch

jen gotch: love & mental health
may 27, 2020

entrepreneur, mental health advocate & new york times best-selling author jen gotch joins the pod to talk love & mental health: getting the right diagnoses, cultivating independence & how a bad marriage can be like novocaine. 

that's what she said jeanne safer

jeanne safer: love & opposing politics
may 20, 2020

psychotherapist, author and die-hard liberal democrat jeanne safer breaks down her 40 year marriage to a staunch conservative republican: her attempts to change him, accepting their differences and the all important “chemotherapy test”.

that's what she said toby dorr

toby dorr: love & a prison break
may 13, 2020

writer and public speaker toby dorr shares her harrowing story: falling in love with prison inmate john maynard and helping him escape, their experience on the run and how her life has been thoroughly transformed by these events.

that's what she said zabryna guevara

zabryna guevara: love & organ donation
may 6, 2020

actor zabryna guevara shares her experience of donating a kidney to her mother: the considerations and fears that went into the decision and the remarkable recovery process for both of them.

that's what she said caroline catlin

caroline catlin: love & photographing death
april 29, 2020

writer and photographer caroline catlin joins us for a raw conversation about receiving an incurable cancer diagnoses, her experience photographing critically ill children, and the gratitude and community that guides her.

that's what she said sanni mccandless

sanni mccandless: love & a partner on the edge
april 22, 2020

sanni mccandless (life coach and cofounder of outwild) walks us through the experience of seeing herself depicted in the documentary free solo, cultivating mystery in a relationship and loving a partner whose line of work is extraordinarily dangerous.

that's what she said wild love lori gottlieb

lori gottlieb: love & psychotherapy
april 15, 2020

psychotherapist and new york times bestselling author lori gottlieb joins us for a frank discussion about our relationships to ourselves & others, and how cultivating “wise” compassion can help strengthen both. Her most recent book is maybe you should talk to someone.

that's what she said wild love tembi locke

tembi locke: love & life after loss
april 8, 2020

actor, advocate and writer tembi locke joins us for a deep dive into cross-cultural romance, living with grief and the healing power of italian cooking as chronicled in her beautiful memoir from scratch.


amber scorah: love & leaving religion
april 1, 2020

writer & speaker amber scorah shares her complex journey in and out of the jehovah’s witness, and the relationships in her life that made the transition possible. Her book leaving the witness is a beautiful account of her experience.

maddie corman thats what she said.JPG

maddie corman: love & a dark secret
march 25, 2020

actor maddie corman shares her experience of uncovering a partner’s dark secret, the shame surrounding the choice to stay together and the difference between forgiveness and acceptance.

that's what she said wild love

season 5: wild love

This brand new season focuses on stories where women have experienced the intersection of love and extraordinary circumstances. Some of these remarkable life events include incarceration, uncovering a partner’s dark secret, leaving the Jehovah’s Witnesses, extreme political opposition, terminal illness, bipolar depression, kidney donation and a series of other wild love stories.